more pics!!!

Horse Show rehearsals!

Rehearsals are underway for this years Horse show! everybody from our team

has worked really hard...  Working with a great bunch of dancers from BIRDS COLLEGE

REALLY FIRST RATE, ! amazing acro from the boys!! you get such a buzz from young talent!

and there nice too... its fabulous seeing Bernard again !!! who used to WORK with us at Trends London...

helping with the wardrobe!!! fabxx



TW Juniors Christmas Cracker!

After only 4 weeks of saturday morning work shops, working on a christmas performance,

 The youngsters pulled it off! bless them all ,they did so well may of been upstaged by the baby ballet!

which of coarse was very sweet! but they pulled it together... so proud how far they have come in their first term...

When I think how some were so shy could hardly speak..and to perform  in front of a audience  takes some doing...

Very touched by Maddison and Marco who even wrote

 their own stories... so endearing! feel like a proud dad!

they all have touched my heart.... all of them so different....sweet bunch and actually are very nice to each other and caring which is lovely to see...and they look out for each other......and me.. bless em.... x


NFA Christmas Party!

An afternoon at St James Palace for the NFA Christmas Party!


Dearest Mum with her great granddaughter

Lovely pic of my dear mum and Emily,sweet!


Love this time of year!

The house is getting there for Christmas!!!


Christingle! at Phil winston's Theatreworks

Phil Winston's Theatreworks presented 'Christingle' A evening with all the students in studio 1 which was transformed into a fabulous performance space, intimate a great place for any try outs.. and performances,
The students upped the game with a full host of witty and festive songs and sketches, with the debut performance of the first years in the end of their first term, who did remarkable well, some terrific talent to watch out for.
Enjoyed seeing the second and third years who's confidence grows and performance skills shine...I take my hat of to all involved in putting on "Christingle" To see the college give a performance 'out of the box '
Its now officially the festive season!


The trees up!!!

Got the tree up!!! is it just me.. or does it make a huge mess everywhere!!!

I seem to have boxes of stuff... why!! lol  i suppose I have to many trees! seem to have one in each room!



The last saturday rehearsals before the show next week!

bless em.. they have done so well in their first term

I have enjoyed working with them ...they come out with the funniest of things...

they are so creative too....and get me well done in!!!!


Lovely day spent at St James's Palace for the Not Forgotten Association Charity.

Dougie Produced the christmas show  and it really puts you in the mood that christmas is just around the corner!

How lovely to was to see the choir singing by a 20ft tree as you entered, really stunning singing..

Then with all the entertainers and performers that were there made it very special.....

Great to see Robert Meadmore and what a fabulous voice he has .. fantastic as ever..

Lovely to see Anita Harris looking stunning.. and Mike, The Jack pack were terrific.. stunning guys and voices not bad either!!!  Carl Scofield great act... the rap is brilliant! ..Sweet Heart Sisters and all the others were fab!

I had to introduce the artists to Her Royal Highness the Countess of Wessex, she was so charming...natural 

and lovely to everyone...To see the ex service men and women plus it all back to perspective... so humbling....

So proud of Dougie, he just has the right way of dealing with shows in all aspects....calm collected and with tremendous respect....oh and forgot to say Billy Differ as Father Christmas is Christmas!


Rehearsals at Birds college

Great working with the students of Birds College for this 

years Royal Horse Show at OLYMPIA opens Dec 16th..

great bunch of students... looking forward to the show!!!

Walking through London

A quick visit to London and walk about rushing between events and meetings

with camera in London when the lights for christmas glow the streets...


A walk through London and happy memories pass my mind

when I saw costumes that I sold a few years back were in the Shop Window

of a well know costume company... still looking good.....oh happy days ...

past memories are so important....treasure them....

'STRICTLY' at the Rugby club!

Saturday night I was invited along with Maz  to be a judge on a charity event at the Rugby Club

of "Strictly" where members players, behind the scenes were raising money... they went to so much trouble

had been in training for 3 months... everyone had worked so hard wither routines and really very good!

outstanding winner... natural dancer! couldn't work out if i was Darcy,Bruno or Craig... but it was fun ..

Maz was in great form and great to see Phil Walker...


2nd Generation Dance Reunion!

Because of the classes that I started, everyone was asking me when am I going to do them  in London!

with a little encouragement from Lisa Mulidore  A 2ND GENERATION Dance Reunion has been created!

for the 29th January at Dance Attic...the fed back has been amazing! We have always said we must get together,

and never have got around to doing it... so this is a unique way .. warm up  and reunion of the old  routines lol!

something to look forward too in the new year! its brought so many photos out of the wood work.....

which has such fond memories for everyone... so many of Dougie's generation of dancers will be there...

How fabulous will that be!!!


Thank you to a friend...

A friend of mine has been the best support and help  and cared beyond friendship..

really helped me out no end... Great to know you have some one.. I wish you all had the support 

I have been given.. I hope one day I am there for them...

the friend would be aghast if i mentioned their name... but you know who are!!!

(won't even read this!!!)

TW Juniors

The team working well bless its their first term, and working on their first show for christmas!

on the 12th... will it be ready ????fingers crossed.. but its great to see their characters take shape and progress

they are a nice bunch.. getting to know them is a joy...heres a few snaps.. totally besotted by Baby ballet!!


Thinking about the last couple of days.... I  am trying to place my thoughts...

It keeps coming up in my mind about the people in my life, how lucky I am 

to have My partner, family and friendships,  for all their continued support and love

The last 2 years have not been a easy ride for me, But  how can I be like this when all the other things in life

can be so cruel and sad....

In the short time we have here .. we should make the most of it... I try to be caring, giving and loving....


To all the friends and family  and Dougie, I have so Much love for you.... Thank you for being there...x

Thoughts to Paris..

How truly sad the news from Paris which I feel has affected everyone ....

It could of been any of us any where ..... thoughts to all the innocent  victims

and the devastating loss to their families my heart goes out to you...

What sad cruel world it can be ..... I just don't get that it stems from religion....

how can this be....In todays world we are not moving forward ..... as people...

I feel so helpless that as a person in this world I don't know what I could do to help...

It will always happen some where, some time.... How very sad... Just Why? what does it accomplish?

what does it highlight.... ...  but sadness... 

Children In Need..

My hand was on my heart watching Children in Need BBC.

From the stories, to all the amazing people that do such fantastic work 

with so many different children... I hate to see children suffer in any form...

I am so humbled ....All their fighting passion... and care and love  is what its all about....

For all the performers who perform to highlight Children In Need ,To all the amazing people behind the scenes 

who work,help and give them selves to the children ... Thank you xx