Morris Dancing comes to Wherwell

A June evening the Morris dancers came to Wherwell...

so charming.... in the village ... so perfect English country side ....


Went to 3J's for afternoon of Dance !

Kids were great!


A fun day in the Lake district at RGDA..

Full on Musical Theatre workshop ! The school was lovely!

The kids were smashing did a great performance at the end of the day...

They looked after us so well.... look forward in returning!!


Generation Dance class! Great to see everyone.....just felt like old times.... 2 numbers today .... soon we will have a cabaret!!!l   THE FEELING FOR DANCE HAS NEVER LEFT US!



Dear Friends, I am in heart felt admiration for the amazing  Amy Golden
I cannot express how I feel I receiving the information of Amy's production of 'GET ON WITH IT" her mother and dear friend  Joan Golden sent to me, Amy has touched so many lives ...her humour and optimism has always astounded me, that she has created a production through all her
difficulties ... through total support of her parents Joan and Allan who's engery and love has always been there for Amy to try and do everything possible ... This really is amazing.... Even if you can't see the production please forward and share the hand bill ....It may just touch SOMEONE as it has me, to go and support
Please read below

Amy is 33 years old and has been profoundly disabled since contracting a serious illness at 3 weeks old. She has normal intelligence though no speech and can only control her right hand, which she uses to point to a word board for all communication and for driving her wheelchair.
She has a quirky view on life and despite her huge challenges and limitations is just happy to be part of it.
She joined ChickenShed Theatre group at age 16 and has performed in many of their Productions.


A New Musical by Amy Golden and Craig Christie


In April last year, Radio BBC4’s 'Four Thought' programme broadcasted English creative writer, Amy Golden’s story, “See It From My Eyes” . On the other side of the globe, in Melbourne, Australia, Craig Christie (director, writer, composer) heard the broadcast and was impacted by Amy’s writing, her wit and the bravado of her penmanship. A theatre-maker with a passion for “telling stories that matter”, Craig was compelled to meet Amy. He was on his way to UK for a few months, he contacted Amy, they did meet, and thus began the mechanisms for a powerful new musical, the story of Amy’s life, titled “Get On With It”

“Get on With It” is a musical exploration and celebration of the world of Amy Golden, a young woman who lives with cerebral palsy, but whose life is rich, poignant and often hilarious. Part autobiography and part fiction, this new musical is a collaboration between London based Amy and Australian musical theatre writer, Craig Christie. It weaves its way through episodes from Amy’s life, issues that she must contend with on a day-to-day basis, the antics of friends, family and people she encounters. “Get On With It” contains some profound observations explored through beautiful imagery and songs of Amy’s life as it is, as well as how she wishes it could be. This is a challenging, enlightening and ultimately uplifting theatrical experience that will leave audiences redefining their notion of what is possible, not only for people with disability, but for themselves, if they follow Amy’s advice and .…..Get On With It.

Script by Amy Golden and Craig Christie based upon the BBC4 broadcast “See It Through My Eyes” by Amy Golden. Music and lyrics by Craig Christie (except 'So Close and Yet So Far' lyrics Amy Golden)
Music Director and musical arrangements by Allan Rogers
Directed by Craig Christie
Starring Amy Golden as


NFA Garden Party Buckingham Palace!

The annual Tea at Buckingham Palace for the NFA..Always so humberling, The NFA achieve so much for the Veterans and give them such a special day at the Tea Party... Peter Andre was so generous to all, chatting and having pictures with everyone, as did Pam St Celements,Bernie Cliffton,Freddie Parrotface Hannah Gordon,Erin Boig,Terrance Stamp,Nigel Planer, Lettuce and Sherry Rowbotham,Chico,Jean Fergussion,Swingtime Sweethearts,The guys from Gogglebox
A lovely afternoon in glorious weather ... also seeing lovely friends Sir Major Michael and Lady Emma Parker,Judy Green ,Billy Differ. The garden just amazes me as its in the center of London, we all travel around it... but being inside its a special place.... and no weeds!!!!


What a special occassion..... A huge thanks to so many people.... firstly to Simon Brooks Ward, Producer and Creator, Top Man! and all his team at Horse Power who not only created the and produced the HM Q 90 but also ran the Royal Windsor Horse show at the same time.... a mamouth undertaking!  
But words fail me in how proud and honoured I am in Dougie Squires..Hats off to him...he was just brillant to watch and learn thats how you do it.. totally calm and in control...Never let it go for a second... to watch every one with such high respect for him was very touching from all the Crew, Marshals, Stewards, Miltary from around the world ,The orchestra, Bands, Acts, Singers, Dancers ,Children and Animals ...
Big thanks to Lisa Lee for being there and all the support.
Big thanks to Simon Garret and all his team...
Also it was great to meet up with and work with friends from years ago, where you just pick up where you left off.. Lisa Hull Hill and Ian Stephenson...and all the new friends one has made Janet Mooney...all the gang at the The Pony Club ,The Shetland pony's and Bradley Slick Cooper and all the Reenactment team....

But the week was made very special by 4 boys from Birds College who became known as Aj boys ! who gave it there all everyday... nothing was too much trouble.. entred the spirit of the whole celebration.. were fabulous to be with .. some great laughs and in admiration of their talents,Rhys Harding,Louis Clarke-Clare,Bradley Salter and Josh Baker

Not only did we do the Evening performances on Sunday we put a 2 hour show on in the Long Walk! Thanks to all that took part Special mention to Jonathan Wilkes who hosted ... he is just brilliant at being Jonny .. I have worked with Jonny since he was 16 and great to see him grow... very proud that he has now created with his wife Nikki Wilkes Wilkes Academy.
The Jersey's came from Blackpool Max Fox and the guys ...were fab..
The lovely Annie Riley with" Happy and Glorious' Who got the whole crowd patriotic!

Yet another special Thanks to the one and only Judy Green.... Thank you for saving the day....and being there with all your support ...Thanks to
Amy Dickson,Rio Sanchez feel like I am writing a oscar speech.....
and my sister Janet Williams....and my dear mum Doris Williams....

Also to Reece Campbell for his continued supportand help, this all started over a year and half ago... shame you weren't you would of loved it... but new ventures lie ahead with every success for you....

Thanks to all behind the scenes... it was vast.... you just can't imagine the scale of it.. from catering... to security... ( a few fall outs!) to all the stables .. all the accomadtion pods ... etc etc etc..

I was honoured to be a small part of this event, with memories that I will cherish. when watching the show on sunday the feeling of pride was enoumous... 
As you can imagine I had my camera heres just a few lol 90 of them!!!

HM Q90

Well its finally here,The Queens 90th Birthday Celebrations AT WINDSOR CASTLE GREAT PARK

We are on site  with rehearsals ... in glorious weather! fingers crossed it stays this way!

Been a year and half in planning and now its all about to happen..... 

I am very honoured to be part of this event... looking forward to working with everyone on site!

but are my feet ready for it!!!

Dougie on the BBC Radio London

On Monday Dougie was on Radio London being interviewed about his career

and his passion for London, really good interview!!!


Trevor George showcase at VIVA BLACKPOOL

Sorry this a bit long !!!What Can I say but a huge Thank you to all the cast and everyone at Viva Blackpool for a successful show at Viva ....On behalf of Adam Sternberg of 'Sternberg Clarke' & Trevor George Entertainments, They would like to thank everybody involved for producing such a fabulous evening of top entertainment, the feed back has been terrific! So a Huge Thanks to Phil Winston's Theatreworks for the amazing dancers...and continued support, The short time we had in rehearsals they pulled it together first class....Very Proud of introducing Molly Fairclough From Phil Winston's by showing her talents as a singer and then a full production number showing her fab dancing, also special mention Sophie Turton and Stephen Nicholls for the Duet .Then to all the amazing acts.... The Multi talented Michael Jordan of High Jinx, and his Dancers who Linked the show with a array of magic,illusions,and circus skills...His show is running at Viva throughout the season, a fantastic night of entertainment for the whole family...Singing sensation Emma Wright, The Amazing SUPER NOVA,Just Unique.. a brand new illuminated act, just Fab! PRINCESS PARTIES Louise Dawn Robins Lucy Gallagher and co The best in a magical children entertainment,can't wait to see the whole production show all the increditants that the children love.they will be appearing at Viva this year. The very classy Catherine Kerr, her jazz quailty voice, loved her "Angel break my heart'. David Downie ACRO-CHAPS fantastic for any event... audience participation at its best! Ali Temple and Koldi ADIGO ACT stunning! Stephanie of AIRBORN from her ariel hoop to a brand new hola hoop act great to see it done in a magical way URBAN DANCE COMPANY Michelle Mimi Udp Ramsey 's young performers giving there street style performance, With such attitude! would be great for any launch .. happening... loved the little ones!!! The Diva Jojo SavageTracey Jordan Diane Lynn & Caz Kaye Standing ovation....says it all....Lisa Heesom with her Celine Dion Tribute show, Deborah Farrell as Shirley Bassey and From Britains Got Talent Impressionist Danny Posthill and with The JERSEY'S, gave a new spin on' Stars in your eyes!!' The Jersey's who also have there show at Viva this season so catch it! four talented singers in their own right, who not only perform The Jersey style but also have a classical show and a swing show ... a act to watch out for! So a massive Thank you to all... Then behind the scenes Thanks to Martin Heywood and Leye D Johns and all the staff at Viva, They work tirelessly at bringing top entertainment to Blackpool keeping Variety alive,they are so passionate about Viva and it shows.....Martin Heywoodis incredible ... from lights and sound... in all one day band calling etc and performance at night.. I take my hat off to him... and he is calm!!!! and Danny Edwards Thanks to Mark Jordan and Guy Barrett for making it run from back stage... Rio Sanchez for his support on all the costumes.... how many lol! looking forward to seeing the video from the multi talented Scott Taylor and heart felt thanks to Marie Cavney and Reece Campbell love Antx

The move to the country!!!!

We have moved to a very nice village in Hampshire.....

lovely walks around the area... lovely villages near...

feel like I am in 'Summer Murders"...

Showcase at Viva in Blackpool!

Through a client I have worked with for many years, I have been working

on a event for Tuesday 26th April at Viva in Blackpool, fingers crossed it will be good!!!

A Crazy month!!

It seems ages since I blogged!! but its been a crazy couple of months....

We have moved! .. To a very sweet village Wherwell in Hampshire meanwhile working on various shows ! created costumes for Viva productions show on NILE ROGERS, costumes for ITV London Palladium, Created costumes for Pudsey touring musical Mission IMPUSEYBLE! Showgirls all over the place... Choreographed High Jinx magic show for his Viva show 2016. and working again in Blackpool towards the showcase at Viva Blackpool for the 26th April!  crazy , I move away and my first jobs are in Blackpool!. travelled up and down the country!

Still in preparation for the Queens 90th Birthday celebrations.. which is now just around the corner!!!!

So its been an event for time!!!! would I have it any other way!!!!!!     yes!!


Pet Tates ....BIRTHDAY!

A lovely afternoon seeing lovely friends.....celebrating Pet"s ..... BIRTHDAY!
the fabulous Langford girls! Great to see Babette, has not changed at all brought memories back to 43 years ago !!!OMG!!!
Great catch up with John Greaves Lucy GreavesLesley Ann Chowen Max Chowen,Lynda Moran, Mike Moran, Camilla Blair,  Jose Swallow,  Susan Colclough


Great to see friends at this now epic event!
my ears are still ringing! Saw some great performances on the main stage. "Wilkes Academy'... fab cirque number! "Performers' a fab contemporary production, and Birds with moving piece choreographed by The Twins...
Really proud of what Jonathan and Nicky Wilkes and Suzanne Mole Kay Wilkes WilkesAcademy have achieved with the college having its first Grads! Lovely to see Brian Rogers, Sue Rogers, Mike & Sue Stephens from Performers ... All at Tiffany Theatre College,Amanda Miles Robins, Starquest performing Arts and many more and seeing the guys from Birds and lovely bumping into Lynsey Brown
Have a great Saturday and Sunday... ! 
so lovely to share it with Miss JANET! 
We both wanted the latest fad amazing Tap shoes!!! £250.00 per pair...!!!!


About to go into rehearsals of HIGH JINX 2016!

THE WORKS!!! Phil Winston's Theatreworks Via performance

Went to see all the friends and students Phil Winstons TheatreWorks with the Easter performance Showcase at Viva
Great to see the first years who performed the first half, after only 7 months the improvement! The fab second and third years... who performed the second half... How many numbers!!! wow they know how to do quick changes!!! congrats All!, on all your hard work! and another congrats to Phil Winston and all the teachers,choreographers,& for all the show production Marie Cavney & Reece Campbell

A trip to Azerbaijan!

A trip to Baku in Azerbaijan ! A really interesting couple of days..

to a country to be honest didn't know much about, nor did I really know where it was!!!

We went to see the Horses and Dancers for a fourth coming production and to tie all the loose ends together!

Such a interesting place, we were looked after so well, they were very kind  and really gave us a insight to their country...  Food is good... and very cheap!!!! a fusion of east meets west! had a fab turkish bath... so felt very clean !!

we were shown around the town, impressive  buildings.... they are holding the Grand Prix there this June

or have I got the wrong  race ! We had  a very nice few days....