Dame Gillan Lynne DBE

I want to pay my respect and loving thoughts to friends ,dancers performers, production teams,and Peter Land at the sad passing of Dame Gillan Lynne DBE . 
Its been very touching reading the comments and out pouring of love to a very talented lady, I looked back at her remarkable career...wow! a inspiration to us all...

taking camera for a walk !

Took my camera for a walk ! as I have no dogs !!! to be fair It would be impossible to have one !

and if I walk alone I get the strangest looks ! so took the camera to the village and local fields ..

it is so mid somer Murders lol ! ( plus I DIDNT SEE A SOLE ON MY WALK LOL !)

Flying visit to Dubai!

A flying visit to Dubai... here for meetings... fingers crossed!!

great to see the development it just gets bigger and bigger  and impressive!

wish I could of stayed longer !!!


The local Village twisted my arm to let our little thatch  show its garden  for the annual WHERWELL GARDEN DAY !

Oh the stress that it caused me ! getting the garden ready  in no time as I was busy with work so it  was  a little busy! It   was harsh and with the glorious weather  was quite a strain on the garden due to the heat !

so by the nic of time it was as ready as it was ever going to be lol  open to the public!

I was very humbled ! that people seemed to like it... i enjoy our garden .. its my thinking time !!!

and wish i could have a bottom list pit of money for it !!!

over 250 people attended our little garden ! ( I thought about 20 at the most)

So with  all the gardens it raised over £1,500 for the local Church bless!

Phil Winston's Theatre works THE WORKS !


Check Events just produced for Phil Winston's Theatreworks “THE WORKS " at the Lowther Theatre, Under the direction of Reece Campbell from venue hire to lighting design, sound design, stage mangement, and marketing design and filming.



AT the Royal Cornwall show we created   the Parade for the Prince's Countryside Trust  to celebrate his 70th Year Birthday!

Full of floats, the Royal Plymouth Marine Band ,70 Cornish choir ,70 dancers from Jason Thomas Academy,and the support of over 500 people all involved with the Price's Country side trust.

A fun Parade ... Nerve racking as no rehearsal as such, the previous day we managed to rehearse the floats ... but on the day we had horses cattle sheep dogs & children  and 500 people !

but it all went like clock work ! Dougie was amazing as ever ... the lesson learnt follow up everything ! he is a master at that ! he talked to everybody pre planning the event so  built a relationship with all  so any last minute changes were done so smoothly.

Hats off the amazing Simon Brooks Ward and all the team at H Power !

Prince Charles and Camilla seemed to enjoy the Parade in his Honour !

The weather just stayed unil the end when it rained a little ....

But great to part of the production ! with my ear phones on and queuing  I was happy as larry !


ASTONISHING ! P&O Britania !

Invited by dear friend Jonathan Wilkes  who has produced with Stephen Mulhern  'Astonishing'

For a VIP launch performance on board the P&O Britania on Sunday 17th !

With Dougie Reece and Scott  We boarded the ship to a lovely champagne reception!

followed by the show and then afternoon tea... all laid on beautifully ! such a lovely event to attend, The show was great congrats to all involved !!!

pic of the week !

When you can't be in 2 places at once ! we missed the NFA GARDEN PARTY at Buckingham Palace  as we were working on HRH Prince Charles's Countryside Parade  at the ROYAL CORNWALL SHOW ... so Lisa and Judy held court ! JUST LOVE THIS PIC !!!


Generation Class !

That was a hot one ! felt like we must of lost 2 stone ... how I wish ...

great seeing everyone enjoying and having fun....  you can't beat a great track ...

it put a smile on everyones faces!!! Love Earth Wind and Fire  with help from Justin Timberlake !

Trolls is a good album lol !

next date July 8TH!!!

The Late Late Show JAMES CORBEN

 I was asked to create a JOSEPH DREAM COAT with comedy sleeves for no less than James Corben for the Late Late Show . They were filming his musicals on the zebra crossings in the centre of London ! but had only 3 days !!! so the  Check Events team rolled up their sleeves  and made the costume and it worked fantastic ! I spent the day filming  as I had to roll up the fabrics  the vast coat in small bag... and re set the comedy arms ..  It was a interesting day  watching everyone at work... ! how filming has changed... so many more people involved than the old days !!


Check Events are creating the filming for the ITDA new Advanced Tap 1 for DVD 

I went along to do the stills ... it was great fun !

Check Events !

I am pleased to announce that I am being represented by Check Events 

I have been working with them for the past year on numerous projects 

Its a relative new company .....

Check Events has everything under one roof that you could ever need to create, produce, manage or assist your event or production. We have a team of freelance professionals standing by ready to take on or assist in any area required. We love to create and develop from concept through to event or put your finishing touches to the event where needed, Check Events can help in any of the following areas: 

Logistics, Operations & Management
• Operations Management
• Marketing Management
• Logistic Planners & Management
• Promotional Management
• Financial Management
• Fire, Health & Safety Management
• Site Management
• Concept Developers & Management
• Brand Development & Management
• Visitor/Guest Experience Development & Management
• Uniform, Promo & Brand Design
• Graphic & Media Management 

Creative & Technical
• Creative Directors
• Stage Directors
• Musical Directors
• Event Assistants & Managers
• Script Writers
• Choreographers
• Artist’s and Acts
• Production Managers
• Cast & Company Managers
• Show Callers
• Technical Crew & Managers
• Wardrobe Teams & Managers

contact info@checkevents.co.uk


A costume I created with a fab team for Jack whitehall!

it was created in less than 24 hours and it was  a brilliant job produced !

here is the link of Jack White Hall You tube ( its the last 7 minutes !)

blink and you will miss me fitting him !!!



Had a fun week at the Horse show ! it only rained one day ! so it was a good for us at the Band stand where we produced  entertainment  celebrating 75 years of the Royal Horse Show 

and a private show for a King !!! in a fabulous location !

Huge thanks and congratulations to Simon Brooks Ward   producer with his company Horse Power . what a amazing event they create,its on a massive scale and the organisation is first class!

truly unreal what is created . and how it all works . it is always such a pleasure and honour to work for them 

Big Thanks to all our performers The Fabulous Jean Martyn and Jamie Sufir on the piano!

The Wild Tonics,  Jonathan Wilkes's  WILKES ACADEMY DANCERS, The reenactment team and the  Free Spirit choir .

Great Working with Reece Campbell OF CHECKEVENTS  who produces all our shows 

from technical  and all marketing , media, design  and production 

special mention of thanks  to Vine Pianos of Stockbridge  and HT creative of Henley .

and of coarse the one and only Dougie !!!

write up on High Jinx !

A Blackpool magician was among the artistes showcasing Britain’s status as an events’ destination at a glittering international gala. Michael Jordan’s High Jinx show, which runs at Viva Blackpool throughout the year, was one of the acts taking part in the launch of MeetGB - a VisitBritain conference aimed at encouraging overseas firms to host their major corporate events in the UK. The gala night took place at Church House, Westminster Abbey. It was directed and choreographed by former Pleasure Beach artistic director Antony John and also featured Blackpool circus artiste Valerie Murzac. Michael, from Huddersfield, is back in Blackpool with his High Jinx family magic show for the seventh year. “It was an incredible show to be part of,” he said. “I’ve done a lot of big corporate jobs before but this was a different level. “The whole idea of the event was to tell big companies that they can and should have their big corporate days and events in Britain instead of going abroad to places like Dubai. 

Blackpool gazzette !

A trip to Blackpool!

It has been a crazy busy month! but enjoyable !!! even got a quick trip up north for a lovely weekend with friends ... and a bit of work.... preparing for the Royal Windsor Horse Show !

and Prince Charles celebration !  Had a lovely weekend and seeing my 2 favourite girls !