Generation DANCE CLASS 28TH


Another month gone so fast this time … looks like we could possibly have a live meet in July !


Dougie's Birthday!

Well it was lock down birthday for Dougie , He was pampered all day ( just like normal then )…

He received lovely messages, lovely cards, and presents and eat the whole day … the poor chef…

wait a minute that was ME !!!! TALK ABOUT 5 STAR TREATMENT !


News of great sadness the passing of one of our Generation family of dancers, a smile comes to my face when thinking of her vivacious and bubbly personality and her love of dancing ...trained at Bush her technique style and fun made Carol such a popular member of all us dancers she worked with ... Our love and thoughts to all friends and husband Alan her boys and all her family , bless you dear Carol xxxx

On Alan her husbands request on February 16th at 5pm we played their song.’YOU TO ME ARE EVERYTHING”

A very touching moment…


Where has the past 7 years gone since the day our dear sister Lynda passed away

always in our thoughts and hearts …. happy Lynda day

Generation class 17TH JANUARY


Generation Dance class

Join Dougie Squires Generation family of Dancers with Antony Johns for a live work out on FB .

On Palladium Generation Dancers page on FB( no one can see you as it’s a private page ! )

Warm up ! Learn routine ! Great for the brain to be working and the class uplifts you !

It’s fun and it’s free!

( if not a member and u would like to join in on the fun send a request to the the page )

The first 2 weeks of 2021

It’s already the 15th of January, time is flying by and we are in lockdown…so each day is running into the next ,I am writing lists of things to be done and all of a sudden it feels so over whelming.. but will get there in the end … maybe I am doing it right taking each day as it comes .. my days just fly past ! so I am disappointed in my self so this is a new start from now ! get my self back into gear !

I so wish I could help my sister Janet , her husband Terry not in a good way bless him he is in hospital with infections not covid related I miss seeing her and brother Paul and my dear Mum( now queen of texts !) if I dont reply straight away !!!! I am in dog house !!!

I so miss seeing my friends Reece and Scott. it really seems ages since I last saw them so hope this lockdown doesn’t last to long … received beautiful flowers from them … oh how i love flowers always puts a smile on my face … and getting them from those two makes Dougie and I miss them more .

Reading media and tv is so depressing everyday a new headlines .. lock down until Autumn! ( I pray not )

I will go mad .. like the rest of the country …. I feel for us all really … but we are getting on with it …

All good with Dougie glad to say he has had his first jab for the Corna Virus ! look forward to when he has the second one … and then hopefully by march I will have had mine !

I think the government has had a near impossible task , I dislike all the criticism that is daily for them

I would feel for anyone who had this to contend with…

The Trump saga continues and he leaves office next week … I wonder what will happen there …

His administration has made House of Cards look tame !

have watched far too much TV binge and binge watched ,so confused what I have seen

Now onto HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER ! and I am hooked !

Well its time to get myself into action….. prepare class for Sunday !

did the first one of the year last week ! all went well I think but just as i started all the electrical stuff blew !

always love a drama not !

I heard sad news that a friend from my college days Lucy Sage had passed away … I last chatted to her in September … she was such fun and happy memories of Lucy , I think she had not been well for quite a while bless her … she was hysterical … and trans formation when i first saw her all glammed up.. she did the most amazing make up !!!! she was wild but such a great sense of humour …. happy days dearest Lucy …

started back on the classes

Christmas at Home

A different Christmas for us all, Very quiet one here in Wherwell, cosy in the cottage

lots of Netflix ! Nice food I had to say that as I was cook ! just sorry not to share it …. Now we have entered tier 4… Plans for New Year had to change I’m gutted ….

Hope it won’t be for long ….until we can move around a little more and see the people we need to see

and pray that it won’t be to long until we are back to a little to normal …..


With my lovely neighbour we created a Nativity scene between our cottages ,for the children of our village

on Christmas Eve our Rev Jax popped along and gave a blessing, a few of the village locals gathered for the blessing after we walked down church rd to the church gates where ten Rev Jax gave a blessing and children read christmas blessings , followed by singing silent night walking through the grounds of the Church, very spaced out …. it was a sweet touching moment in time , one memory to remember x


Great to see the feed back from the all at the PJ’S Class !

hope everyone had some fun !


A Year ago my brother Richard passed away and today we scattered his ashes

with my parents and Janet and Paul, very touching moment in life …

god bless you Rich xxx