On Sunday I was at the Laine Theatre Arts 50th Anniversary 1974-2024 production of Life in the Golden Laine ! It really was super slick as always the students were at the top of their game .. a fantastic homage to the Laine legacy.

Congratulations to all the choreographers Director’s faculty and staff whom do an amazing job …I so enjoyed meeting up with everyone from performers that had worked for me and very special seeing friends from my time at Laines …. We caught up as tho it was yesterday, great walking past the original studios … Ah the memories … Happy days ….

Meeting your dance teachers you always go back to being aged 16 again With such respect as I have for Miss Betty Laine OBE. A incredible women Her strength has carried her through. Over 50 years creating the college with her immense style, passion and dedication. It’s mind blowing to think how many students have trained at Laines over the years …

Whether the ex students have Continued in the industry or taken a Different path … the training and discipline stays with you …. Miss Laine, always wanted the best you can be … and be professional …. On behalf of us all Thank you Miss Laine