'The Works' Graduation Edition at Viva

Been fortunate to work with the students of Phil Winston's Theatreworks to produce a show piece in The Works in the graduation edition show at Viva.

So enjoyed working with them but I had everything but the kitchen sink in it....

We were asked to audition who we would like in the number, but when I saw all the students

I just had to use them All.. so I think I had 42 students..... oh what to do!!

In the tight rehearsal sessions as they have their training and exams etc I came up with cirque inspired production... Reece had found a fantastic piece of music so it was systems go... 

Ringmaster, clowns hoola hoops,acrobatics.. quick change,showgirls,more show showgirls and even more showgirls! so it was a good entertainment piece!!!

The Students worked so hard in the rehearsals at Viva they were given a full show of singing dance and drama showing the many talents they have learnt at Theatreworks.

From the training the teachers choreographed some fabulous work which pushed the students

to show their Talents... How I would love to do it all again... That collage performance when they are at their peak  ... is electric... I hope they get the chance like I did  to perform in dance shows where your given the chance to give you all.. Exciting times for the graduates their careers ahead of the them... I so wish them every success for their futures... some really great Talent...

but also there is a lot of future talent with the 1st and 2nd years who held there own...

strong dynamic performances look forward in seeing them next year....

A big thanks to Phil,  and all the team at Theatreworks from all the teachers to Maz and Reece

and all the staff at Viva, not forgetting Terry Campbell for helping me costume the epic!


A new arrival to the clan... meet Bailey!!! another adorable puppy....

so Molly now has a sister..... it is just so lovely to see the puppies together....

It takes your mind off the terribly sad things that are happening in this world.....

hope you have a happy life Bailey...I want to be a loved dog in my next life!!!

Friday along the Prom!

After a busy week, that flew passed... there is just not enough time to do all the things one wants and needs to do!

Last saturday took my dear Mum to Manchester station for her return journey back down south,it was lovely having her here... then I spent the day at office going through costumes,such memories pass through your mind when looking through them...happy times...and missing lovely friends and work mates!!! 

Then it was a week rushing around with costumes etc... helping a little bit with the new show at Viva the cabaret venue in Blackpool, getting outfits sorted for Diva who are also appearing at Viva on Mondays during the season.

Just heard that High Jinx are also putting their show on at Viva on Thursday nights ! and Phil Winston's Theatreworks annual performance for the collage in July is on at Viva so Viva is the place to be!!!

I working with the 2nd and 3rd students on a production number for the show...it has everything but the kitchen sink in it!! so hopefully it will be a fun number!!!

Busy in the office, Reece great support as ever, He was well happy this week as he got a iwatch... well jealous!

its amazing !so cool.... I think the Apple Brand is just simply the best.... the style,the quality... they just know how to 

do it ! brilliantly.....

Dougie has been working on his book, and planning the Q90 celebration for next year, and fingers crossed

he will be working on a film !

Went for a lovely meal with Dougie,Reece and Scott, Reece this week took his Mum Terry to get her a dog...

which they returned with, I haven't met Lucy yet but bless it looks like a mop... So I thought I was doing really well of late  talking about getting a dog and thought Dougie said we could have one... but at the dinner he said NO!!!

so I have not done well on that front! So will just enjoy Scott and Reece's Molly when she comes to visit.

So many things happened this week.... but friday night camera in hand  drove down the prom and snapped away! 

Ballet with Mrs and Mrs B

At Phil Winston's Theatreworks it was a joy to watch the first years in class with Mr and Mrs B as I know them..

The story of the week, they were creating a piece for the Collage show, but said to Phil the girls need 30 minute ballet barre before they perform the number....So just before the end of the show the show will hold for 30 minutes

while the girls do their Ballet Barre!!! lol... they really are so sweet... they danced with everyone in their careers...

such respect!!

Trends Entertainment vintage costumes

Taking pictures of dresses at Trends, this vintage dress is outstanding workmanship

it is so beautifully created.....

The Butlin's Story at the London Palladium 1999?

Scanning through pictures I came across the" Butlin's Story" photographs

I think it was in 1998 or 1999.... A epic musical performed for one performance 

at the London Palladium, I remember it being a very special evening, a cast of thousands!!

Dougie directed I choreographed fantastic music by Chris Summerfield ,Paul Kaye and Martin Davids

It then performed at all the centres during the following year, There was so much Talent in the show!!

Billy Butlin was played by Alvin Stardust...  A fun memory!!

Molly on a Sunday!

Molly popped round... so lovely to see her, she is such a sweet little dog

with a sense of humour and energy!!!

Garden Party at Buckingham Palace

It was the annual 'NOT FORGOTTEN ASSOCIATION" Garden party at Buckingham Palace,

A very lovely day,glorious sunshine and lovely friends and Dougie organises Guest celebrities

who were all wonderful with the guests of ex service men and women, It is such a wonderful event

meeting people  who served our country it is such a humbling experience.

Fabulous to see Chris Biggins, Robert Meadmore ,Anita Harris, Patti Boulaye, Ken Dodd

Nigel Planer, Nicolas Grace, Amanda Reedman, Anton du Bec and Erin Boig, Jean Fergusson

Lynda Baron ,Simon Williams and Ray Winston to name but a few!!! 

guest of Honour was HRH The Princess Royal and Sir Tim Laurance , Who walked and around talking to everyone

a masterclass in action.... Dear Judy Green and Lisa Lee were fab as ever gathering everyone to right place...

and it was lovely to have Don and Terry Campbell who have given myself and Dougie so much support with our

year in Blackpool! lastly  Reece Campbell for always being there for Dougie and myself who always goes the further mile  in work and as a friend...


Kensington Palace...

A trip to London got a chance to have a walk in Kensington Gardens, then I went to Kensington Palace

well worth a visit, really enjoyed the  Royal Dress exhibition, Dresses of the Queen, Princess Margret

and Princess Diana, The Palace is well worth a visit... the cafe's are lovely....and loved the gardens!!

Sitting in the Garden!

Nothing nicer than sitting in the garden having a coffee,watching the poppies grow

and getting a visit from  Molly the beagle who is adorable!!!


Sunday was a busy day as ever in my life! after the Janet Cram awards, We  rushed to the 'Savoy'

for a night of Burlesque, with our stunning girls The fabulous Lisa and Carly  for a cabaret show !its on the first sunday of every month! Hosted by Miss Polly Rae (loved her costumes!) and some fab acts! proud to say there were all English!!  for a lovely night at the Savoy!!  PICS... showgirls resting their long long legs! and the second Pic

is from when we launched Trends and we were back at the Savoy!!


I was thrilled to be asked to be a judge on this years 50th celebration of the Janet Cram awards,

So memories flooded back as it was in Cecil Sharp House where 44 years ago I mean 44 years ago!!!

that I won the award, it was as if time hasn't changed!!!

It was lovely to see familiar faces and friends and of coarse my proud Mum and sister Janet who is a examiner

for ISTD, just fabulous to see Norma Arnold,(beautiful as ever)Vicky McDonald,Kim Miller brought back such happy happy memories!! what a lucky childhood I had with such lovely people,all thanks to my smashing family!

Judging was hard as all the students were of high standard, so it became personal choice for the winner!

Here is a picture of my beloved Miss Mavis Butler with me when I won the award in 71! she would of been so proud that I was there.... Happy Days!!!