'The Works' Graduation Edition at Viva

Been fortunate to work with the students of Phil Winston's Theatreworks to produce a show piece in The Works in the graduation edition show at Viva.

So enjoyed working with them but I had everything but the kitchen sink in it....

We were asked to audition who we would like in the number, but when I saw all the students

I just had to use them All.. so I think I had 42 students..... oh what to do!!

In the tight rehearsal sessions as they have their training and exams etc I came up with cirque inspired production... Reece had found a fantastic piece of music so it was systems go... 

Ringmaster, clowns hoola hoops,acrobatics.. quick change,showgirls,more show showgirls and even more showgirls! so it was a good entertainment piece!!!

The Students worked so hard in the rehearsals at Viva they were given a full show of singing dance and drama showing the many talents they have learnt at Theatreworks.

From the training the teachers choreographed some fabulous work which pushed the students

to show their Talents... How I would love to do it all again... That collage performance when they are at their peak  ... is electric... I hope they get the chance like I did  to perform in dance shows where your given the chance to give you all.. Exciting times for the graduates their careers ahead of the them... I so wish them every success for their futures... some really great Talent...

but also there is a lot of future talent with the 1st and 2nd years who held there own...

strong dynamic performances look forward in seeing them next year....

A big thanks to Phil,  and all the team at Theatreworks from all the teachers to Maz and Reece

and all the staff at Viva, not forgetting Terry Campbell for helping me costume the epic!