Just getting myself sorted after a month of every thing I seem to touch goes wrong!
hence why I didn't blog much.... but now this is working...I was doing all this wrong!!!
firstly my hard drive has a fault,there is all my photographs on this hard drive...
and of course I needed the images for work related ....so I take the hard to see if it could be rescued
to cut a long story short, yes they managed to save the data.... ALL GREAT! But not quite! the j peg images wouldn't show on my macs, would open in a windows ..which my mac hasn't windows.... so this went on for days..
then some one tried opening the images on my mac in desktop and they opened... Wow ... RESULT...
BUT THERE WAS 250,000 IMAGES!!! the hard drive saved every image, and every time I did photoshop on any image it saved every image.. so downloading took days getting the images back.... but filing them is another matter.. and now my computer is full... so deleting 22,000 pictures so far has taken 3 days and still no where...
So will have to be patient in trying to deal with this..... so that saga continues....
I then drop my iPhone in a costa coffee...!! so no phone for 2 weeks!! but glad to say
I have a new phone ... so I am up and running!!! life with out a phone in one way is fantastic
but in another its disaster!!!!! while the phone was being looked at ,I had to turn my iCloud off...
for the phone , so then you have no phone numbers etc... so make a copy!!!
To cap it all I then broke a tooth... so I hope thats the end of everything going wrong...
I have missed out all the other things,it would turn into a book!!
But have to thank my friends for helping me yet again... much to their horror!! think they must of had enough of me!! I have lol!!! so Happy days ahead...x