High Jinx

High Jinx previewed their show at Viva Blackpool before they go to Edinburgh Fringe and return to Viva  for 

Tuesday nights through the season, Fab to see a full house at Viva,It really is a great family show,showing the multi talents of Michael Jordan he really has created a compact show with something for everybody,

His charm,energy, skill and performance gives it his all... with the Viva Dancers adding glamour and hoola hoop spec act.... a really entertaining night out for all!

I am in admiration for Michael, as for a young man he totally has a passion for what he does...He is a grafter!

and producing his own show is no mean feat.. and for it to be such a balanced performance 

I take my hat for him.... I wish him every success at Viva  and wish him huge success in Edinburgh fringe for his 

first appearance there .....