Show at the Lowry Hotel...

At the Lowry for a showcase for Adam of Sternberg Clarke and Trevor George ...   A very nice venue !

one of my uk fab Hotels... Rooms are just  great size ! the style of it.... it is still as good as it was as when it first opened!   staff are lovely.... .... and to work there ... the team are very professional  and so helpful...


Would love to do  live at the Lowry Hotel  as a cabaret room ...  once a month and build upon it......

it has such potential !!! So looking for backers !!!!!...

The artists in the show were terrific ! It was very hot on talent !!!! It showed a great diversity !!!

so huge thanks to all involved !!! 

Beautiful day !

Well this week I drove around the lakes and loved it ... today I only went to get a pint of milk !but  got side tracked  with camera in car ....on my door step where we moved has some beautiful  scenery ...


Easter Monday was the launch of RGDA  Jade Emma Greaves  New studio launch,

Dougie and I were invited  for Dougie to cut the ribbon and i took workshop classes with a performance for all the parents at the end of the day! we did it in 3 hours ! with a opening with the full school and infant number how sweet ... and  group number ... the studios are fabulous .... real treat for the students.... 

It  was great to see them all as last year did a workshop day... and special friends the Chow clan !

It is so rewarding seeing charlotte improve the way she is...... I have also been honoured in being a Patron of the school , which I am very proud to be!


Went to the Lakes  as we were launching RGDA new dance studios in Worthington, so it was a great excuse  to 

spend a couple of days .... it is truly stunning driving around such incredible scenery .... I drove everywhere ! but it was a joy . taking my dear mum with us and even got to see our dearest friends Reece and Scott for a hysterical lunch for all the wrong reasons on the sunday ... but it was Easter sunday ! and we hadn't booked anywhere !

stayed in Keswick with fab views over looking the lake Derwent water .... With camera in hand had a lovely time  snapping away !!! and really lovely few days x


ON the 24th of April putting together for Adam Sternberg  of Sternberg-Clarke and Trevor George Entertainments  and the Lowry hotel  a show case for COR!PORATE CLIENTS!

its a great line up of talent!


Just heard that Q90 Her Majesty's the Queen  90th Birthday celebration  that I was lucky enough to work on last year at Windsor Great Park has been nominated for a BAFTA ....

CONGRATS To the team at ITV    Sue Andrews ,Director Chris Power ,Spun Gold Nick Bullen

Simon Brooks Ward & all at Horse Power and Dougie SQUIRES 


RGDA in the Lakes!

Looking forward in going to see the new studios !

and seeing all the students!!!


The past months have been full on with the Dame Vera Lynn 100th Birthday Celebration at the London Palladium... and it finally took place on the 18th of March....

Dame Vera unfortunately wasn't able to be there, but to everyones delight HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN attended which made it a very special Occassion!

It was hard graft to get such a show on in that scale on in short space of time .. but I cannot tell you how proud I was of Dougie Squires  in managing such an event..

It was one of those occasions that get you in your heart...and will be remembered in the memory bank forever .... It was special for many reasons....

Firstly it was done for the love of Dame Vera ... I did my very first dancing show on TV on a New Years TV  Show , and  Dougie used to choreograph her television shows at the BBC...

Dougie brought a lot of the cast on board so it was lovely to work with them... 


My best friend Reece Campbell with his company Check Events  produced the technical production and I can't say how proud I was of him and his team. with great sound and lights So huge Thanks  to Recce and his team from West Coast and Congo lighting for a superb job !

and delivered a first class production..

Then our back stage  Angels Lisa Lee  and Judy Green my show family  and new member Dayita Sagger Howard  and  and all my sisters gang from Portsmouth to be ambassadors ... it really made the show the show like clockwork ... harding working to the core BUT THEY WERE FABULOUS... 

 12 children from my sisters dance school 3J'S came up to be the refugees  ..bless them I hope they fun ! and a memory to measure for ever ...

Yet another treat was working with my boys from Birds College they are just fantastic guys  TERRIFIC  DANCERS !

But one of the most moving for me was working with all my dancing friends from yester years the Young Generation and Second Generation all 75 of them!... how fantastic was that... and real joy pleasure ...the love towards Dougie was amazing ... they flew from all over the world and uk to be there... so very special untrue and how proud of them I cannot say... goose bumps time...

and they loved performing again together which made it  so magical.....

just so lovely being together again.... where had the years gone....

"My Dearest FRIENDS..... WOW !!!! I am lost for words ..... and a touch emotional seeing all your wonderful posts here on face book...Just to say a huge THANK YOU ... for making it an even more special event ! Thanks for your all your hard work...and all the effort you made from rehearsals to being there, costumes ! which looked fab! looking just incredible and being wonderful friends ....... watching you from the wings.. I can't tell you how proud I was ,goose bumps time.. I Know we all owe it to that special man Dougie bringing us together how lucky we are... I know how proud he felt seeing you up there on the stage dancing and performing..... a few tears ran down the cheeks ! He did a amazing job as ever and I know how proud we are of him... Its been a fun journey and hope one day we can repeat !!! lol !! I would like to give a special mention of THANKS from us all to Lisa Mulidore,Deborah Goodman.John Greaves  Lisa Lee Judy Green Keeley Scott Sophie Treadwell Maxine Wilson For all the support and help they gave ...and to all of you Thank you xxxx'

Then there is to thank Matt Little and Squadronaires and the Maida Vale singers  

and lastly Thank you to Virginia, Tom and Tesni  Dame Vera Lynn's family who produced the show and Swing Time  Sweet Heart Annie Riley  who was one of the producers ...

Magic night to remember !


A huge Thank You to the one and only Peter Todd ...we are very touched and honoured that Peter has bought us named seats for both Dougie and I and a seat for Jamie Phillips Trends at the newly refurbished Darlington Civic Theatre ... What a lovely thought .. and holds special memories of the years with Peter at the Darlington Civic...

Rehearsals with miss SU POLLARD !

Rehearsals are underway for the big night! The fabulous Su Pollard in rehearsals with Rhys Harding,Josh Baker,Bradley Salter and Louis Clarke-Clare from Birds College .. afternoon of fun with Su,loving her number with the boys... watch out for Su on' Lorraine' on the 16th March ! For tickets Dame Vera Lynn 100th birthday celebration London Palladium march 18th curtain up 7.30



Robert Meadmore


 Went  to see Robert Meadmore at the Pheasantry...  in concert .a fab evening of beautiful songs beautiful music, and fun stories with Robert at his best ! lovely audience great to see so many people support him ... all young students should see how to handle a lyric... 


Dame Vera Lynn 100 birthday

Went to see Dame Vera Lynn for meeting re the show on the 18th March

after the meeting very sweet to hear Dougie and Dame Vera discuss the old days of the television

shows they worked on....and then as we were leaving we heard her sing along with Ann Riley

very touching moment...

here is the all line up.. thanks to Scott Taylor !for helping with the name design.... 

Rebecca's Dance studio Master class

Had a great day in Worksop in Notts 

fun master classes with all the students!

they worked their socks off!

Dougie's Birthday

Dougie was knocked out by all the cards and messages he received  on his birthday!

went for a lovely lunch near us Clos du Marquis with the sun shinning it was like being in the South Of France 

Oh how I wish ...

certain friends will love this pic.... Dougie on mobil at the table !!!!!

Spring in the Air !

Seeing the snow drops in the garden and buds on the trees...

the light earlier in the morning ... the later sunsets... ah this is feeling better !

Southsea Seafront

Driving down to my home town and a trip along the seafront  brings back so many memories...

here is one of my brothers favourite ...

Memory day of Lynda

Today marks the memory day of Lynda my eldest sister who sadly passed away... and today marks the day the family laid her to rest. Think of her every day.... with all my love dear Lynda your bruv xxxx

Dougie's Generation Dancers in rehearsals !

Dougie Squires Generation Dancers!


A Sunday afternoon spent at Dance Attic with 75 Dancers in rehearsals  all doing what they love to  do DANCE !


Kicking back time  and reforming   for one night only for the Dame Vera Lynn 100th Birthday Celebration at the London Palladium on March 18th 2017


With host of stars from the world of  Entertainment,  It will be a night to remember !

Directed and createdby Dougie Squires MVO OBE  Who is bringing together a tribute to the nations  wartime Sweet heart and Singing Sensation  Star Dame Vera Lynn


The Generation of dancers come from Dougie's dancers of the 50's 60's 70's 80's 90's .

 All have  been involved in Shows starring Dame Vera from the Young Generation for the BBC, television series to dancing on the VE celebration at Hyde Park


Dancers have flown in from Singapore,Canada,Holland France and the length and breath of the UK. Not only for the show but for the rehearsals as well !


The Dancers all have worked with Dougie and the respect and love for him is unfold

Dougie always brought the best out of you said Sophie Treadwell  Great times, amazing travels fabulous shows and life long friends ... Sophie's  Career went from being one of Dougie's Dancers inTV  shows  in the UK and all over the world , The Second generation show in Hong Kong ,Cape Town , and Palm Beach Casino Cannes . she was spotted and became a hostess on Sale of the Century and was one the UK's top photographic  commercial models, She then went to live in Paris and performed  as a leading lady in Revue, before turning her creative talents to a successful  catering company, In the UK. Then back to France  to create  interiorsDesign for bespoke Chalets  ,Where she divides her time between France and Singapore and Thailand  creating  events for The international Yacht shows .


  A joy to see  Rosemarie Ford  TV presenter Singer Actress , withWest End leading ladies  Danielle Carson and Sue Wright, TopTv choreographer Leigh Miles, from" Big Brother' Jackie Travers  Guys and Dolls Singing group Martine Howard,   Theatre and television  actress Tayrn Kay

Just to name a few and the careers of others as diverse as Executive in Tourism in France ,

Dance Theatre Training Schools throughout the UK, Theatrical Agents, Hospitality Events,Photographic stylists, Estate Agent. Pr and Management,Radio Presenter, Fitness Trainers Yoga and pilates teachers,Gym Owner Jewellery designer. Wine importer, account manger at La Maitre,Dog groomer,  Head of TV Production  company and a Funeral Director


The atmosphere was electric in the studio and working all together brought the energy alive .

Wayne Sleep arrived  and was knocked out at the 75 dancers ! 'LETS TAKE THIS ON TOUR!"

Wayne is one of the guest stars appearing in the Dame Vera Lynn Gala 

With Dougie at the helm and his assistant Antony Johns choreographing   it was like a family being reunited ....