A trip up north to Blackpool to see The WORKS...
I wanted to see the students that I worked with when they first started at Theatreworks and now they have finished there 3 year training, and stepping out into the world ! every success to them !
A trip up north to Blackpool to see The WORKS...
I wanted to see the students that I worked with when they first started at Theatreworks and now they have finished there 3 year training, and stepping out into the world ! every success to them !
The 3j’s team have brought together their favourite musical theatre numbers and added their own twist to them. This is the first time the 3J’s have performed at the New Theatre Royal and we are so very excited to welcome them to our lovely venue. West End star and Portsmouth born Jack Edwards will be appearing in show.
The school is run 3 times a week with principal Janet Williams F.I.S.T.D. and Jacqueline Willis who is very well known for her acting, singing and choreography with the Portsmouth Players. We are delighted that this year Janet’s brother Antony Johns will also be involved in the show with his fabulous choreography and costumes.
Spent an afternoon with my dear Mum to go through the family tree as much as we knew !
Yet again great to see everyone at class ! ALSO THE LAUNCH OF THE FIRST COPIES OF Dougie's autobiography 'Dancing through the Generations!" Next class July 23rd ! at 1pm to 3pm at DANCE ATTIC! !
Had lovely lunch at Sophie Treadwell (Batchelor) sisters Belinda's house in Hampshire ...
lovely food... Thanks Sophie (she is a great cook !) and a fabulous setting .... amazing house and Garden... the dream !
A celebration drinks party at Somerset House for the award winning HM the Queens 90TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION at Windsor Great Park... A perfect setting on the terrance seeing everyone was lovely. everyone was so proud to be involved ... Thanks Simon Brooks Ward and all at Horse Power !
One sunday a glorious walk through the poppy fields near by ..
It all goes on here in Wherwell ! from the village fete and Morris dancers... and the garden I should gardens to maintain....ITS HARD WORK THIS GARDENING !!!
but enjoying it.... just never enough time....
SO proud of my friends Reece Campbell and Scott Taylor and all the Campbell's
and work colleagues ... only been going 5 months and they win an award ! thats fantastic news ... every success to them ....
Property Scene Ball 💃
What a fantastic night the Winnie Tree Team had!
We are very proud to have come away as the Winners of The Best Promotional Advert Award. We cannot thank the Property Scene enough and were thrilled to be handed this significant award - even more so as Winnie Tree Properties has only been trading for 5 months, making this a great achievement for us.
Everyone looked great and atmosphere was electric filled with entertainment, an auction and raffle, all for a great cause.
Roll on next year 🏡🌳👩
My heart goes out to all for the terrible event that happened in Manchester ..
There are no words .I just can't understand..... Listening to the stories breaks my heart...
Had a lovely walk with my brothers dog Cedric.. Walking by Walsash lovely evening !
Here are the dates for the next GENERATION DANCE CLASSES !
£10 per person ... open to everyone who love to DANCE !
A couple of weeks ago I was asked by Top international Photographer Adrian Houston
to work with him on a project for CALM ,Men's mental health issues ..
Thank you to Rhys Rhys William Harding and Jack Hinton from Birds College
The exhibitions at the Getty Gallery London until 19th May
For more details see link below ....
Modern masculinity under the spotlight for new photography exhibition
A new exhibition will put the spotlight on men’s mental health issues, inviting amateur and professional photographers to submit works that express what it means to be a…
An amazing few days ! firstly Dougie receives his MVO...Then he does a evening with at Wherwell (where we live ) talking about his career... don't ask me to do a slide show ! and run VT! AGAIN ! It was a fun night .. fabulous that Sue Colclough and ever supporting husband ! Kathryn and Paul Smith , Luke &Sofia Batchelor, Sam Spencer Lane and Peter Newton came to support Dougie
it raised over £700 for the church bless !!!
Then to top it with Q90 Winning a BAFTA ! a great Weekend for Dougie !
Wow Amazing ! The Queens 90th birthday celebration won the BAFTA ! Congrats to Dougie , Simon Brooks Ward , all at Horsepower,Nick Bullen spun Gold , Sue Andrews , CHris Power and all at Itv and to all the cast and amazing backstage people ! So proud to have worked on such a event ! Just an amazing few days ! It really has been DOUGIE's weekend ! Ps sorry bruv ! We won !!!
On Friday the 12th May Dougie received his MVO (MEMBER OF VICTORIAN ORDER) at Buckingham Palace in the the ballroom, Joining us were Dougie's life long friends and dancers from the Cool for Cats days Una Stubbs and Barbra Ferris ...
HRH Duke of Cambridge was giving the awards .. it is very touching and humbling seeing the wonderful things people do in this world and that are honoured for there hard work and dedication to so many different topics...
Una & Barbra were excited school girls, which made the event fun !
A lump to my throat and my eyes filled up as Dougie bravely walked with out his crutch to the centre of the ballroom ... such pride... seeing Dougie receiving his award was so special...
HRH Duke of Cambridge was marvellous with everyone giving everyone there moment,
It is a brilliant produced production... and all the ambassadors and staff are truly fantastic..
They made us feel very special ! After the ceremony we were invited for private drinks !we were taken to the anti room where the Royal gather before going on the balcony! WOW! Amazing....
In oriental design ... I never imagined it to be like that.... smaller than you think... but just wonderful being taken to that room and the view of what the Royal see. actually they do not get the great view of the mall due to the statue of Queen Victoria blocks the view but to the sides they see everyone... the history... just blew me away... A memory for the old memory bank !
I took a few photos in the court yard.. then it was of to lunch at the Ivy joining us was dear friend Judy... and lovely lunch we had... Would of loved to have shared this with all our friends. and family ....
I drove Una and Barbra to their homes and we then drove on to Windsor as we were guest of Simon Brooks Ward at the Royal Horse Show in Windsor Great Park for dinner in the Royal Box.
Simon Brooks Ward gave a toast to Dougie to celebrate his award ... very touching indeed...
Simon thinks the world of Dougie.....
So proud of Dougie.... While having dinner it was very nice to chat with Annabelle Simon'S wife
and I did learn a little about Horses! about time ! we watched the dressage and fun antics of the pony club trials which is great fun... it was a beautiful evening ... the sunset the setting made it a perfect end to such a memorable day .... I then drove back to Wherwell ... exhausted..!
but it was a very special day.....
A Perfect Sunday afternoon apart from diversions ! The fabulous Rosemary Ford and Robert Lindsay opened there house for a Generation sunday afternoon...The weather was perfect...
The house truly stunning !!! fab food, and generations of dancers those who could make it from the show they performed in at The London Palladium for The Dame VERA LYNN 100th Birthday celebration ...Made it a very special afternoon.... just lovely catching up with everyone!!
Special Thanks to all the gang that helped organise ! and big to Joan Golden ...
everyone who couldn't make it was missed !!! but we celebrated for you !!!
ps... face book must nearly have crashed with all the pics ! anyone would think we like having our pics taken !
Just thought I would let you know....On Saturday the 13th May 2017, Dougie is giving a talk at our local Village Hall at 7.45pm
Talking about his career ....Its a small village just off the A303...(near Andover )
If anyone would like to come ... let me know ! Theres a great Pub in the Village where we could have a drink or eat! Before the Talk! Would be lovely to see you !!!