Working on 11 shows for the ship with costumes and a trip to Marseille !


Just noticed haven't blogged in ages ! so this is a catch up lol ! been a crazy few months don't know where Oct Nov and December have gone .. time seems to just fly by ! October flew by with creating costumes for a cruise ship for old friend Steve Bor of Bor Productions . I seemed to spend a lot of time up an down the m6 where steve has a great unit in dare I say Blackpool.. I just cant seem to get unattached  to the place .. but it gives me a chance to see my friends  up there so thats a bonus !

I went on the ship in November in Marseille it was in dry dock to do all the fittings etc ... on return it was back  

to UK to organise Christmas shows and the Olympia Horse show  costumes .. castings and rehearsals ...

also managed to fit 2 days at Wilkes Academy giving classes to the students which I throughly enjoyed 

and a showcase in Torquay ... and the monthly Generation classes with a party after class in December!

The Generation classes have become very special indeed ... great seeing everyone  each month, seeing old friends turn up is always a thrill.... so looking forward to next years dates the first one on the 7th January at Dance Attic at 1pm to 3pm ..

The Horse show went well and the response has been very good ! so its always good to finish the year on a up!

Glad to say have kept in very good health ! and  lovely to spend  some well deserved time off at Christmas !

with family and friends ... so coming up to the New year.... my new resolution list is getting quite long !

but thankful all the kindness and help, love and support I have from some very special people .. I am a lucky man  and honoured to know some smashing Friends ... heres to a New Year ... and I hope its everybody's  year!!!

Grand Ball at the Grand Pier!

Had a great trip to Western Super Mare.. For a event at the Grand Pier !

had a smashing bunch of Fabulous girls from Wilkes Academy who where just terrific !

all thanks to David Downie and Tony Phipps of Impact artists ! who produced a Viva Las Vegas 

evening of fun entertainment all through the evening!

Western look forward to returning ! it looks a really nice place !!! the pier looked fab !


The children and students were smashing... It was a great show ! All the parents in seventh heaven seeing there loved ones performing ! The New Theatre Royal is very nice although very strange  design no wing space stage left ! and a air con unit  there !!!!! very odd ... but so proud of my sister  and her school the kids were so professional bless ... and great to see my great niece make her stage debut !

Apples !!!

There's something about picking apples off your tree ... just makes you smile !!!

ps.. anyone want any apples !!!lol


Dougie Squires OBE MVO Autobiography 


                   Is now available!

  to order your copy on Dougie's web site


       theres a button that says book order !!


His career as a performer choreographer and director spans over five decades and it is estimated that he has worked with over 10,000 dancers over that period. His creativity and energy has inspired so many of today’s top dancers, teachers, performers and choreographers.-His first choreography for TV was a hit parade programme called “Cool for Cats” which ran for four years and was transmitted live sometimes twice a week.He was among the first TV choreographers to involve dancing for the camerasHis work initially was inspired by the rock 'n roll age and boys and girls dancing together with lifts and by-play. But more important was his battle to integrate ethnic groups into his work. He was the first to use black dancers working directly with white dancers and having won the battle with the TV pundits to use mixed groups he then had to face criticism from viewers.

His groups the Young Generation and The Second Generation became dancing for the camerasHis work initially was inspired by the rock 'n roll age and boys and girls dancing together with lifts and by-play. But more important was his battle to integrate ethnic groups into his work. He was the first to use black dancers working directly with white dancers and having won the battle with the TV pundits to use mixed groups he then had to face criticism from viewers.

His groups the Young Generation and The Second Generation became successful world wide. and groups all over Europe sprang up to try and emulate the success of the trail blazing group. 

Over the years he has been involved in "All the Queen’s Horses”, a celebration of the Queen’s love of horses, and the finale of the Horse of the Year Show from Olympia. His work has been seen on 10 Royal Command Performances, the Pageant for the Queen Mother’s 100th Birthday on Horse Guards Parade, the spectacular "Defence of the Realm", the Queen's "Fortieth Anniversary Celebrations" at EarlsCourt, "VE Celebrations" in Hyde Park, and the "VJ Celebrations" in Horse Guards Parade,and more recently the phenomenally successful Queens 90th Birthday Pageant which won a BAFTA Award


Cafe de Paris

Had a great day putting on a show at the CAFE DE PARIS, I have to say the team there were brilliant to work with... so helpful nothing a problem ! in these days thats top notch !!!

Show went very well for Adam Sternberg of Sternberg Clarke ! some great acts !!!

JOE ALLANS Has moved!

Only a year or so ago I went to one of my favourite long time restaurants Joe Allans and said to Dougie after we spent a day traveling around London... so much has changed in the past 39

years ! We went to Joes in the evening and I said one thing about Joe' s its not changed at all in all these years ... the pictures in the same place ... the menu.... and it was so comforting...

then a few weeks later we hear it was closing !!! oh no I thought!!! BUT THEY SAID NOT FAR AWAY...... Well last week I went twice in one week! its moved just round the corner ..

and glad  to say they brought Joes from around the corner  and made a new home 

its great! actually better ! brought all the familiar posters and pics with them....feels like its been there years !  So change when it works is great !!!

Pomey !

A view trips to my home town this month ... went down to my favourite place Old Portsmouth

The hot walls has been created as an array of art studios and galleries and restaurants!

some fab art! and great classes on offer!

Celebrating Terry's 60th

A trip up north for costumes ! gave me chance to stay with close friends and their gorgeous  girls 

(they are beagles and I adore them....) also gave me chance to see my friends and a celebration of Terry's Birthday... hadn't seen the children in ages .. my how they group so fast !!!!

Strictly fans

Great fans lol! thanks Bobby Warrens .....

Great to see friends on this years line ! Debbie McGee and Joe Mac Faddon 

Wherwell and Friends

Lovely to see Una and Robert who came to visit us in Wherwell... lovely friends !lovely lunch !lovely sunshine !


Lovely to meet for the first time my great niece Mila, Sweet little girl... My Brother Richard was over from Denmark  one of his sons David came to visit  bringing Mila .. lovely to see them... 


The Georges visit Wherwell!

Great to see the Georges ! Went for a fun lunch hysterical when Clara (Baby) started to cry the whole gang started to sing TWINKLE TWINKLE  and Clara STOPS... a fun moment....



A crazy week of travels !.... in one week wherwelll...Torquay...

Long Eaton....Blackpool... wherwell... london ...wherwell back to Blackpool for a few days !

Enjoyed my time back in Blackpool seeing my close friends and my 2 favourite girls !