ON  Friday were invited to lovely Debbie Goodman's house for dinner and the special treat seeing Diane Simmon's  who I used to dance with last century lol and not seen for 28 years we think..

it was like we saw each other yesterday !  It was a fabulous dinner with Diane and her husband Adam, Lesley and Max and then joined by Lucy and John  A FUN FABULOUS EVENING X


A great class on sunday ! great turn out with lovely people !! 

although my feet are killing me ! next class Oct 7th !

Walk around Houghton Gardens

 Driving through the  local villages came across Houghton Garden, Stopped off and a had a lovely walk around the gardens ....


Felt like the wicked Queen in Snow White with picking the apples into the basket !

Its a big crop this year ! due to the stunning weather( which I am missing)


Second week of Church flowers

Week 2 of doing the flowers for the local church ... I must I have enjoyed going into the church each day ... Although I am not religious I have found it a very spiritual experience ...

The peace and quiet from the outside world  has felt like a meditation ..

3 sneaky lunches!

Been a busy week... but  still had time to have some sneaky lunches !

it started off with Saturday Lunch with Major Sir Michael, Lady Emma, Olly, Rebecca, Lily and Zia

Great the White Lion .Wherewell 

Then Sunday Went to see my dear Mum and have a lovely lunch in Titchfield 

 at the WHEATSHEAF!!!

Then on Thursday Lovely to see Sophie, Louisa and Zoe Tredwell and Sophies Mother  at the ABBOTS MITRE  in Chilbolton 

what with costumes ... emails...  ideas galore...  A trip to London (a fall with a bump on my head )  

Trips to stockbridge ... Weyhill...  Broughton  Andover every other day and seeing to the flowers  at the church everyday !!! Thank goodness its friday !


We are the one stop shop for getting your Event on !
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email us today !!!

Church Flowers

In my local village it was my time to do the church flowers! !!

Thank goodness there was a wedding the week before  so able to save and re arrange the beautiful flowers that were there and just add a few more ! so lush ... actually it was lovely being in the church on my own doing this and peaceful place to just be quiet  and have thoughtful thoughts ... I am not religious ... although I admire everyone who has their faiths and respect  I have always followed my heart in hopefully leading a life filled with love for my partner family and friends and to all I come in contact with on this journey of life .... I try to be kind, caring thoughtful, respectful... and supportive .. I believe on this journey and its only my thoughts ... that we are here all for each other   we all go through happy, sad, eventful, stressful  emotional  times  and  at different times through life we there to support partners friends and family going through these emotions .... and I believe  people come in our lives  for a reason.....  and family are the reflection of ourselves  and we pick and choice the best or the worst bits from  them as the grounding  to our actions ... 

But as the great writers and philosophers. say .. love is the answer ....

So never be afraid of telling partners family and friends you love them.... 

and only say those special words if your heart means it .


SO from rehearsals to show time !



A nice job with lovely people! great working with another Generation of dancers!

From rehearsals to performing for  HH SHEIKH MOHAMMED BIN RASHID AL MAKTOUM FOR THE UK ENDURANCE FESTIVAL  In Euston Park Thetford . We did 3 performances to the invited audience ... great to see the dancers work so hard ...  a smashing group... 

so heres to DANCE GENERATION !

The Youngest Generation Class


The Youngest Generation class at Pineapple ! Great to see the young students from RGDA, Rumney Greaves Dance Academy come down to Pineapple all the way from the Lake District for a class ! Real fun bless them ! they took so much trouble looking fab in there T-shirts ! I was very touched ... Also A huge thanks for the presents ... just love my Mug !!! Thank you Chow Helen Ip What a special treat for the Young dancers .. Hope they enjoyed School of Rock !and also Thank you to Jade Emma Greaves for loan of students ! great to see the mums join in as well !!!!


A Sunset on the way home from being at the unit !

AUGUST CLASS hot hot hot

Knocked out how many of the gang arrived for class on the hottest day of the year !

so it was good  good fun sweaty work out day !  it such a joy to see everyone and all make such a effort to come  from the Devon, Isle of Wight  and the Lake District !  all over UK makes it very special..... 

Lovely Summer ...

It is so lovely waking up to this incredible summer  of sunshine ....

I know we all moan at how hot it is .... and trust me is a nightmare for the garden!

but I am enjoying it... it just makes you not want to work at all ...

Had a lovely walk in the village last night ... Mulling over things .....

my walk in the village  pic !

Splendid Sunday !

Had a lovely Sunday Lunch in Titchfield  then pinched my sisters car  and went for a drive all around Lee on Solent and Gosport .. Which I haven't  really been to since I was a boy !

Happy memories !!


The Generation  July Dance class  on Sunday was a hot one...

but knocked out at the all the gang that turned up to the class...

it was great as ever to see everyone .. so choose a Michael Buble

as a cool number !!!

Dance is in the soul and passion it never leaves you... its great to see my fellow friends rekindle their emotions ...

Something I wrote 4 years ago still stands today !

I just hope there is the work out there for all these talented performers!

July 7, 2014 · 

I wish I had the time to see all the talent that is coming out of the amazing colleges we have in this country, the standard of these show performances are second to none, the training of dance is so strong and all students performing with passion and strength,congrats to all Principals, Teachers and Choreographers for pushing the boundaries of performing and dance.....



Must remember when Wilkes have there show the weather is always very hot !

after a horrible journey stuck on A34  which seemed hours of a traffic jam... just got there in the nic of time ... 

well the show was fabulous ... heres what i wrote on fb WOW ! Commitment starts at the top! Nikki Wilkes Suzanne Mole & JonathanWikes and leads through to all the students,teachers,choreographers & Academy Team at  Wilkes Academy
Talent and hard work paid off ! A inspiring night in the theatre seeing the young talent...being given fabulous work and making it their own... the joy of watching was to see how they all worked together ... feeding of each other, Which I feel is lacking so much in performances I see ... That was always the magic of working with Dougie Squires and the generation of dancers .... We sat and watched the show and I saw a tear in his eye at the enjoyment he saw in the young talent. 
congratulations to one and all x

I was lucky enough to given classes there in the past year and always enjoyed the buzz that the college gives you ....  I was also able o work with the students on a couple of jobs etc which they were fabulous ...

good luck to all the 3rd years in the big wide world  wishing you every success !