Just to say a huge thank you for a great class today ! The energy in the studio was fab! a wee bit hot and sweaty ! Huge thanks to everyone who helps me along the way... IT IS SO GREAT TO SEE YOU ALL ENJOYING DANCE AND PERFORMING.... fingers crossed for the pilot !!! just be yourselves !!! what a honour it is to be with you all again.... so much love fun and respect ! How things haven't changed ... we still want to impress Dougie .... and he is .... so proud and full of love for you all xxx

Una Stubbs watercolour exhibition at PANTER AND HALL

A busy day in London getting costumes, meeting the lovey Lisa Mathieson on ideas for a new venture and then a lovely catch up with Una, Barbara Ferris Dougie and Judy seeing Una’s gallery exhibition at Panter and Hall in Cecil Court London,

I have always been a huge fan of Una’s paintings… always so witty and the simplicity is so hard to do …. she captures the essence of a situation or a happening… Just Love them….

Also its special as she and Dougie go wayback…. from her dancing days with Dougie and Barbara Ferris who joined us at the lovely gallery .

Then was a naughty treat time… tea at St MARTINS LANE HOTEL…

I felt like Paul Hollywood … the cakes were out of this world … i am still tasting the golden ball chocolate with hazelnut mousse and sponge inside .. I think I have been to heaven……. and the scones lets not go there .. a real treat worthy of a visit…

Trip to Blackpool

No sooner than returning from Scotland back up the motor way to Blackpool

arranging costumes for Bor productions …. while i was there quick phone from Maz could i take a class with the first years ! so I got to meet the first year students at PhilWinston’s Theatreworks

A lovely bunch of students some nice talent there for the future … look forward in meeting the students of 2nd and 3rd years…

Always great to see my friends and best pal .. lovely dinner at the Mandarin fabulous food…

and seeing Molly and Bailey … x


A TRIP Bonnie Scotland ! To judge the STDA. Championships in Dumbarton ! Two great days seeing the Tap, Ballet , jazz Song and Dance all the students from Baby class to senior very high standard ! Some very nice talent great to see the young dancers of tomorrow .... and the costumes they really go to town ! Think there is more sparkle than strictly !

there were 3 of us judging and very interesting at the awards seeing who had won each section

Congratulations to Jan Southerland and her team at STDA, for a fab competition

it was run so smoothly and lovely atmosphere with all the dance schools …

meeting my Danish Great NEPHEWS !

A lovely evening at my sister Janet’s with my brother Richard and wife Hanne one of their sons

the eldest Daniel my nephew his wife Mette and 3 boys and my niece Claire Emily and Mick, Janet and ME !

oh and Doris!!!

So great to see my brother and the love for his family, and what a smashing family they are ….

THE LITTLE ONE IS SO CUTE … Anton and loves food … must be in the genes …..

and lovely to meet Daniels wife Mette …. MUST TRY with brother Paul and Janet to go to Denmark for a weekend !

retro Dougie

This photo was sent of Dougie on the front cover of a Dutch TV Guide

on a programme called WOW that he used to appear in…

Phil Winston's Theatreworks

Costumes look good lol

The college just performed at the event CYD in Liverpool and then at the Carl Allan Awards

in Blackpool… every success to them !

SNOW WHITE at London Palladium

Great costumes for Julian Clary created by the very talented Jayne Baines of Stagefunk costumes! it looks amazing … and Dawn French in Panto what a treat… won’t be missing this one …


Came across these photos, just saying …. I have the fur stole from Ginger Rogers stole l in these photos and an amazing coat and dress both from the production of MAME ! just saying…

Stevie Bor at ZEDEL

Stevie Bor and his band live at Zedel ! A real pleasure seeing Stevie Live! He has a unique style, a talented singer songwriter . He knows how to command his audience ... his warmth and personality had everyone in palm of his hand! It gave him A platform to perform his retro style of classic Rock en Roll and his new material from his latest Ep. Notably The Juggler was dedicated to his father , very special .. loved the lyrics ... a song he wrote for his mum and dad ! also it was great to see another member of the Bor family tread the boards. With brother William on drums ! Continued success Stevie !
Every one get booking him perfect for any event, party, private function !


It makes me so proud when I see photographs of our costumes looking fabulous !

The talented David Wood Choreographer and Wilkes Academy making it look a million Dollars !


A PHOTO turned up today that i have never seen before, and brought memories flooding back

I started to write then as i got to about page 10 I deleted it by mistake … I went back to how it all started . So will have to do it all over again, actually it was lovely to write it all with the fun and fond memories I have of that very special time ..

but here is the photo that sparked of day of memories


Bonnie Langford as Baby JUNE and me behind 1973 Piccadilly Theatre


The past 8 days or whatever has been crazy ! it started after a busy week any rate but then last Friday drove up to Blackpool long overdue as miss my friends up there…and the best 2 Beagles in the world !

Arrived Then to Jamie’s tapas restaurant for great fun meal with my second family,! followed by me playing pool ( I was utter dreadful) moving on to a mad house of the world of Jeannie with karaoke!!! so a late night….

Saturday lovely Play with the beagles Molly and Bailey then a trip to Manchester to the Young Sing before being a judge at Barbara Sharples Choreographic Award with the lovely Rosemarie Ford ( a very quick catch up! ) and seeing president of the ITDA PHIL WINSTON AND CHRIS FARKAS was a very quick hello…

Drove back to Blackpool after the comptetion which by the way was very entertaining some nice work ….and worthy winners ..

Chill day Sunday with a lovely walk on the prom with Molly and Bailey then a drive through old haunts and fab lunch at the Bay Horse Inn near Lancaster

Really the best Sunday Roast! Headed back in time for the BODYGUARD ! With a quick dash to the prom to capture the sunset … could the day of got any better !

Roll on Monday .. meeting with Scott over designs …then a Check Events catch up before heading down on M6!

Dinner at the fabulous Judy Green she cooked up a storm with old friends and the moon was just amazing … then we were staying in a hotel dougie had arranged … it was monastery! how hysterical !!! in the middle of London…..

Tuesday taught all day at Italia Conti’s in the London studios , Very nice students and it was fun hope they enjoyed it … then drive back to the cottage …. Wednesday again teaching at Italia Conti’s Guildford studios which just as much fun… drive back naff traffic to the cottage ….

Thursday costume hire for Wilkes Academy so had to get that all together before driving it to Swindon and return., sorted out costume for Iain Gordon at the Pavilion Glasgow and costumes for Phil Winston’s Theatre Works Been quite a week !!! Friday was driving Dougie around . so by the afternoon was well done in… so had a sleep and now its 4.30 am and can’t sleep….. and i have help with the garden in a couple of hours …. is it true what they say NO REST FOR THE WICKED


Still love London… although the traffic is a nightmare!!!

Enjoyed my visit today…… apart from the traffic……

One of my all time favs Joe Allans such with Una Stubbs , Lovely to see her and Dougie Friendship after all these years …. very special…

then I had a meeting at the Ivy with Adam Sternberg one of the nicest men on the planet !

followed by dear seeing the fab Judy at her apartment with truly amazing views .. and a fun evening as ever ….



This all began with a Young Genera3on /Second Genera3on Reunion Dance Class .

Dancers who had worked for Dougie Squires Young Genera3on & Second Genera3on came together from all over the UK to the Dance AEc London for a reunion in the form of a class.

From a small Face Book group it spread to over 100 people arriving...dancers were calling to be invited even though they hadn't been in the Young and Second Genera3on.

We didn't know what to expect on Sunday, 27 February 2016 but the atmosphere was exci3ng... such energy and enthusiasm. When the music came on the genera3ons of dancers just went back into wan3ng to dance again... performing and being young again... When speaking to them all it was obvious that the respect and discipline of being a dancer had such an impact on all their lives...

Everybody had a brilliant 3me....there was magic in the air.... The age range started from mid-thir3es to dancers over seventy!

The Dance cri3c from the Guardian newspaper Jeffery Taylor came and couldn’t believe the energy and passion that seems so lacking in today’s dancers...

This event sparked off ideas!! There is something special here...

This now has lead onto coming up to its 3rd year we meet every month at Dance AEc

In 2017 Dougie was direc3ng the Dame Vera Lynn 100th Birthday celebra3on at the London Palladium , we asked if any of the dancers would be interested as they used to perform in Dame Vera’s BBC entertainment shows, thinking about 20 would want to perform .. but the response was over 90 ! and all of them did was a very special event and to all the dancers and was a truly amazing experience

one which they haven’t come down from . Hence the plan for 2019 is another charity show we are puEng together!

The class is full of characters and hearing the life stories has been fascina3ng ...

Its full of different Genera3ons of dancers that have become a one genera3on of dance family

the age range is now from 16 to 80 !!!

Many well known people’s careers started working with Dougie and developed their individual styles and professionalism and with dancers that have chosen different paths in their careers.

Dougie’s autobiography was published last year “Dancing through the Genera3ons’

with all the stories and experiences of the of entertainment through the decades and the many stars and dancers he was fortunate to work with .


Sometimes I really love our area ... driving around  came across flowers on a table being sold rd side they are beautiful always a passion for flowers , then  having a fb lunch at the MAYFLY  which is 2 mins away from us .. amazing setting  and fab food ( its been taken over ) so another one to add to the list ! hooray !